London show celebrates 60 years of British glamour

The show displays a vast array of specially made designs for social events like debutante balls, royal state occasions and red carpet events spanning 60 years.

Most people are excited by the idea of a fairytale evening, of choosing a gown that shows their level of taste that makes them look their best and presents them in their finest attire, Stanfill told Reuters.

But the exhibition isn’t all about parties and layers of tulle and froth, added Stanfill, who said she discovered a layer of subversion beneath Atsuko Kudo’s design, which appears to be lace but is made from latex.

“One of the things I have really enjoyed working for on this show, is notion of subversion…It’s more than just a dress, it’s that one element of surprise that I have really enjoyed discovering,” Stanfill said.

“British design, you think you know what it’s all about and then something comes along and upends your preconceived notions.”

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