Are you brave enough to go Platinum Blonde

Are you ready to stand out from the crowd, or make a statement, then go blonde, not just blond but platinum blonde. Can you pull it off?  Well the answer to this is it depends on your features, skin tone and the hair style you have chosen.


If you are not too sure about going blonde, best to go about it gradually. try a light brown colour for a few wks, then blonde for a few weeks before going platinum blonde.

Or why not go for the dark roots blonde as this can be pulled off by anyone and this is not as drastic as going fully blonde all through.

Please note dying your locks to a platinum blonde colour can severely damage the hair  so its advisable to use a wig or hair extension instead of using your own locks, as we don’t want to be left with a bald scalp in a few months!!!

Lets not leave the men out, I have included some pictures :0)